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Alex Kornhuber
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I see one main theme behind my work: a drive to capture the essence of transitory and profoundly vulnerable human moments. This drive has shaped my style and skills as a photographer. Perhaps because of my mixed heritage, I am artistically drawn to and naturally connect with marginalized groups. My documentaries are not introspective expressions of my inner world. For me the ultimate source of all meaning and value is the lived experience of human beings and this is what I seek to portray.
I see one main theme behind my work: a drive to capture the essence of transitory and profoundly vulnerable human moments. This drive has shaped my style and skills as a photographer. Perhaps because of my mixed heritage, I am artistically drawn to and naturally connect with marginalized groups. My documentaries are not introspective expressions of my inner world. For me the ultimate source of all meaning and value is the lived experience of human beings and this is what I seek to portray.